I’ve moved to WordPress. This post can now be found at Mid-September 2010 SST Anomaly Update
####################NOTE: The weekly OI.v2 SST data is available in two periods through the NOAA NOMADS website, from November 1981 to 1989, and from 1990 to present. The mid-month posts now include the full term of the NINO3.4 and Global SST anomalies from 1990 to present and a shorter-term view from 2004 to present to make the recent wiggles easier to see.
NINO3.4 SST anomalies for the week centered on September 15, 2010 show that central equatorial Pacific SST anomalies have risen slightly in the past week. Presently they’re at -1.5 deg C.
NINO3.4 SST Anomalies
NINO3.4 SST Anomalies - Short-Term
Weekly Global SST anomalies are still elevated and have continued their decline.
Global SST Anomalies
Global SST Anomalies - Short-Term
And for those wondering where the present NINO3.4 SST anomalies stack up against past La Niña events, I’ve provided the following comparison. I’ve also provided a comparison of the declines in global SST anomalies in response to the transitions from El Niño to La Niña, using the same years. Note that the first SST anomaly reading for each year has been zeroed, and that all global SST anomalies have been shifted accordingly. The decline in 2010 Global SST anomalies is toward the high side of the mid-range of past events.
Comparison Of La Niña Evolution – 2010 Versus 1988, 1998, and 2007
Comparison Of Global SST Anomalies During La Niña Evolution – 2010 Versus 1988, 1998, and 2007
OI.v2 SST anomaly data is available through the NOAA NOMADS system:
Would it be possible to get the current chart link for South Pacific SST Anomalies (OI.v2)from '89 to present? Would think that the trend for NINOS3.4 for the next 30 days is still down based on your last showing on Sep6 for August SST Anomolies.
Pascvaks: You request created a few questions.
What is it exactly that you're looking for? There's monthly and weekly data in this post. What coordinates do you want used for the South Pacific?
Have you tried downloading the data directly from the source?
DotEarth has an interesting post today on the abrupt drop in NH SSTs in 1970. I would really like your opinion on the Nature article it was derived from...
Crikey! As soon as I hit send, Watts put up the same article. I think you'll enjoy this.
Tried to go there and get the data but was unable to come up with the update using the coordinates you had for South Pacific --my fault I'm sure.
Don't mean to be pain. Still thinking that South Pacific SST Anomalies (OI.v2)from '89 to present can give the trend for NINOS3.4 for the next 30 days (up of down). Maybe not. Instead of a big chunk of S.Pac., at least the chunk below the NINOS3.4 slice of it if GOC is coming from that direction. (Similar to gauging Arctic trend from N.Atl GOC data.)
Seems GOC, at least from where the current is coming from, can give some forecast info regarding the area where the current is flowing into.
Thanks for any help and time.
PS- coordinates? same you used for South Pac on-
Pascvaks: Are you looking for WEEKLY South Atlantic SST anomalies, since 1990, with the coordinates 60S-0, 145E-70W? I'd be happy to plot you a graph (once).
But if you're going to research things, you need to make the available tools work. Crossing 180 deg longitude may have been your problem. For input to the NOMADS (Lat, Lat, Long, Long) fields the coordinates for the South Pacific would be -60, 0, 145, 290. Or you could input -60, 0, -215, -70 and get the same output. And don't forget to select anomalies.
Mike M: I haven't found a link to a free version of the paper so I really can't comment.
You're very kind, but let me dabble a little more for now. Maybe I can find what I'm looking for -or an explaination.
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